High Ashtakavarga points in 12 houses: Detailed Effects and techniques

High Ashtakavarga points
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Ashtakvarga is a very important method to fully understand the person’s life. Hence, I use it very frequently and follow the below points to see the results of houses using ashtakvarga chart:

Effects of High Ashtakavarga points in each house

1. High Ashtakavarga points in 1st House (The House of Self):

When the first house in your birth chart has a high number of Ashtakavarga points, it signifies that your self-expression, identity, and personal growth are strongly emphasized in your life journey. This is an incredibly auspicious placement, as it boosts your self-confidence and personal magnetism.

Key Influences and Effects:

  1. Self-Confidence: A high Ashtakavarga score in the first house bolsters your self-assurance. You radiate a natural charm and charisma that draws people toward you. This confidence helps you tackle life’s challenges with gusto.
  2. Physical Appearance: This placement can enhance your physical appearance and presence. You might be naturally attractive or have an air of charisma that captivates those around you.
  3. Leadership Abilities: With your strong sense of self, you’re often seen as a leader. People look to you for guidance and inspiration, and you’re not afraid to take the lead in various aspects of your life.
  4. Independence: High Ashtakavarga points in the first house indicate a strong desire for independence. You prefer to chart your own course in life and may find it fulfilling to explore your unique path.
  5. Initiative: You’re proactive and have a knack for initiating new projects and endeavors. Your willingness to take the first step can lead to significant achievements.
  6. Physical Health: This placement can contribute to robust physical health and vitality. You have the energy and resilience to tackle life’s challenges head-on.

Challenges to Watch For:

  1. Ego Issues: While confidence is a strength, it’s important to guard against excessive ego or self-centeredness. Be mindful of how your actions and decisions affect others.
  2. Impulsiveness: The strong desire for independence and taking the lead can sometimes lead to impulsiveness. Be sure to weigh your options and consider the consequences of your actions.
  3. Balance: Balancing your personal needs with the needs of others can be a challenge. Strive to maintain harmonious relationships by being sensitive to the feelings of those around you.

2. High Ashtakavarga points in 2nd House (The House of Wealth and Family):

When the second house in your birth chart has a high number of Ashtakavarga points, it indicates that wealth, family, and material possessions hold significant importance in your life. This placement can bring financial stability and harmonious family relationships.

Key Influences and Effects:

  1. Financial Prosperity: High Ashtakavarga points in the second house suggest a strong potential for financial stability and prosperity. You may have the ability to accumulate wealth and manage your resources effectively.
  2. Family Bonds: This placement fosters strong family bonds and harmonious relationships within your immediate family. You are likely to share a deep connection with your parents and siblings.
  3. Material Comfort: You have a natural affinity for enjoying life’s material comforts. Your desire for a secure and comfortable lifestyle is well-supported by this placement.
  4. Oratory Skills: The second house also relates to communication and speech. With high Ashtakavarga points here, you may possess excellent oratory skills, making you persuasive and articulate.
  5. Resourcefulness: You have a knack for resourcefulness, which can help you overcome financial challenges. You’re adept at finding creative solutions to money-related issues.
  6. Value System: You may have a strong sense of values and ethics related to money and possessions. You tend to appreciate the value of hard work and responsible financial management.

Challenges to Watch For:

  1. Materialism: While enjoying material comforts is natural, be cautious not to become overly materialistic. Remember that wealth should serve as a means to an end, not the ultimate goal in life.
  2. Possessiveness: Your strong attachment to material possessions and family can sometimes lead to possessiveness. It’s important to strike a balance between enjoying what you have and not becoming overly possessive.
  3. Communication Issues: While you may have strong oratory skills, high Ashtakavarga points in the second house can also indicate potential for verbal conflicts or misunderstandings. Be mindful of your communication style.

3. High Ashtakavarga points in 3rd House (House of Courage, Communication, and Siblings):

When the third house in your birth chart has a high number of Ashtakavarga points, it indicates that courage, communication skills, and relationships with siblings are of significant importance in your life. This placement can empower you to excel in these areas.

Key Influences and Effects:

  1. Courage and Determination: With high Ashtakavarga points in the third house, you possess a fearless and determined spirit. You are unafraid to take on challenges and are willing to fight for what you believe in.
  2. Effective Communication: Communication skills are one of your strengths. You have a natural gift for articulating your thoughts and ideas, making you an effective communicator in both personal and professional settings.
  3. Siblings and Neighbors: This placement often indicates strong bonds with siblings and neighbors. You may share close relationships with your brothers and sisters, and your interactions with neighbors are likely to be positive.
  4. Short Journeys: The third house is associated with short journeys. High Ashtakavarga points here can suggest successful and enjoyable travels, particularly those related to business or pleasure.
  5. Creativity: You may have a creative streak and enjoy pursuing hobbies and interests that allow you to express yourself artistically. This can lead to artistic talents and hobbies that bring you joy.
  6. Entrepreneurial Spirit: Your courageous nature and communication skills make you well-suited for entrepreneurial ventures. You may excel in fields that require self-promotion and communication.

Challenges to Watch For:

  1. Restlessness: The third house’s high energy can sometimes lead to restlessness. Be mindful of the need for balance and avoid overextending yourself in pursuit of your goals.
  2. Impulsiveness: While your determination is an asset, it’s important to balance it with thoughtful decision-making. Avoid making impulsive choices that could lead to regrets.
  3. Sibling Rivalry: While strong sibling bonds are indicated, conflicts with siblings can arise. It’s essential to work on open communication and conflict resolution within the family.

4. High Ashtakavarga points in 4th House (House of Home, Family, and Emotional Foundations):

When the fourth house in your birth chart has a high number of Ashtakavarga points, it signifies that your home, family life, and emotional foundations hold significant importance in your life. This placement can deeply influence your sense of security and emotional well-being.

Key Influences and Effects:

  1. Strong Emotional Foundation: High Ashtakavarga points in the fourth house suggest a strong emotional foundation. You value family connections, home life, and your roots deeply, providing you with a sense of stability and comfort.
  2. Loving and Supportive Family: You are likely to have a loving and supportive family environment. Your family members play a crucial role in your life, offering you a sense of belonging and security.
  3. Love for Home and Tradition: This placement often indicates a deep love for your home and a strong connection to tradition and cultural values. You may enjoy maintaining a cozy and harmonious living space.
  4. Real Estate and Property: There may be opportunities for you to invest in real estate or property, and you may find success in such endeavors. Property-related matters can be significant in your life.
  5. Nurturing Nature: You have a nurturing and caring nature, and you are likely to take on a caregiving role within your family. This could involve caring for elderly family members or supporting younger siblings.
  6. Emotional Resilience: High Ashtakavarga points in the fourth house contribute to emotional resilience. You can weather life’s ups and downs with grace and maintain a sense of inner calm.

Challenges to Watch For:

  1. Overattachment: While valuing family and tradition is wonderful, it’s essential to avoid becoming overly attached to the past or resistant to change. Embrace growth and evolution in your family dynamics.
  2. Emotional Sensitivity: Your strong emotional connections can also make you sensitive to family issues and conflicts. Be mindful of maintaining healthy boundaries and open communication.
  3. Overprotectiveness: Your nurturing nature may sometimes lead to overprotectiveness, especially with family members. Allow loved ones to make their own choices and learn from their experiences.

5. High Ashtakavarga points in 5th House (Creativity, Children, and Romance): Creativity, children, and education are in focus here. High points mean artistic talents, happy relationships with kids, and academic success.

When the fifth house in your birth chart has a high number of Ashtakavarga points, it indicates that matters related to creativity, children, and romance play a significant role in your life. This placement can bring a wealth of creative energy and opportunities for personal expression.

Key Influences and Effects:

  1. Creative Expression: High Ashtakavarga points in the fifth house signify a strong creative streak. You possess the ability to channel your creativity into various forms, such as art, music, writing, or other creative pursuits.
  2. Love for Children: You have a deep love for children, and you may enjoy nurturing and spending time with them. This placement can indicate a strong desire to have children or a natural ability to connect with younger individuals.
  3. Romantic and Playful: Your approach to romantic relationships is often characterized by playfulness and enthusiasm. You enjoy the thrill of romance and the excitement of new love interests.
  4. Intellectual Pursuits: The fifth house also relates to intellectual pursuits and higher education. High Ashtakavarga points here can indicate success in academic endeavors and a love for learning.
  5. Entrepreneurial Spirit: This placement can foster an entrepreneurial spirit. You may have a talent for turning creative ideas into successful ventures or businesses.
  6. Luck and Speculation: The fifth house is associated with luck and speculation. High Ashtakavarga points suggest favorable outcomes in speculative ventures, such as investments or gambling.

Challenges to Watch For:

  1. Impulsiveness in Love: While enthusiasm in romance is wonderful, be cautious not to rush into relationships impulsively. Take the time to get to know your partners and build meaningful connections.
  2. Overindulgence: A love for creativity and playfulness can sometimes lead to overindulgence in leisure activities or excessive risk-taking. Maintain a healthy balance between enjoyment and responsibility.
  3. Attention to Education: While success in higher education is indicated, it’s important not to neglect your academic pursuits. Stay focused on your learning goals to make the most of your intellectual potential.

6. High Ashtakavarga points in 6th House (House of Health, Service, and Challenges):

When the sixth house in your birth chart has a high number of Ashtakavarga points, it indicates that matters related to health, service, and overcoming challenges are of significant importance in your life. This placement can empower you to excel in areas of self-improvement and service to others.

Key Influences and Effects:

  1. Health and Wellness: High Ashtakavarga points in the sixth house suggest a strong focus on health and wellness. You may have the motivation and discipline to maintain good physical and mental health.
  2. Service-Oriented: You are naturally inclined toward service and helping others. This placement often indicates a desire to work in fields related to healthcare, social work, or other forms of service.
  3. Resilience: Challenges and obstacles are seen as opportunities for growth and learning. You possess a high level of resilience and the ability to overcome adversity with determination.
  4. Organizational Skills: You excel in organizing and managing tasks efficiently. This ability is valuable in both your personal and professional life.
  5. Attention to Detail: The sixth house is associated with meticulousness and attention to detail. High Ashtakavarga points here indicate a methodical and thorough approach to tasks.
  6. Pets and Small Animals: This placement can also relate to a love for pets and small animals. You may find comfort and companionship in caring for pets.

Challenges to Watch For:

  1. Overemphasis on Health: While taking care of your health is important, be cautious not to become overly obsessed with it. Avoid excessive worry about health issues.
  2. Work-Life Balance: Due to your strong work ethic, you may sometimes neglect work-life balance. Ensure that you allocate time for relaxation and personal life to prevent burnout.
  3. Conflict and Criticism: Your desire to overcome challenges can sometimes lead to conflicts with others. Be mindful of your communication style and strive for collaborative solutions.

7. High Ashtakavarga points in 7th House (House of Marriage, Partnerships, and Relationships):

When the seventh house in your birth chart has a high number of Ashtakavarga points, it indicates that matters related to marriage, partnerships, and relationships hold significant importance in your life. This placement can strongly influence your approach to love and partnerships.

Key Influences and Effects:

  1. Harmonious Relationships: High Ashtakavarga points in the seventh house suggest a strong potential for harmonious and balanced relationships. You have the ability to create and maintain meaningful partnerships.
  2. Marriage and Commitment: This placement often indicates a desire for a committed and long-lasting marriage. You may place great importance on the institution of marriage and seek a loving and devoted partner.
  3. Diplomacy and Negotiation: You possess excellent diplomatic skills and the ability to negotiate effectively in both personal and professional relationships. This helps you maintain peace and balance in partnerships.
  4. Business Partnerships: In addition to marriage, the seventh house also relates to business partnerships. High Ashtakavarga points here can signify success in joint ventures and collaborations.
  5. Attractiveness: You are likely to be perceived as attractive and charming, drawing potential partners and admirers toward you.
  6. Balanced Perspective: You tend to approach relationships with a balanced and fair perspective. You value equality and cooperation in partnerships.

Challenges to Watch For:

  1. Overemphasis on Relationships: While valuing relationships is important, be cautious not to become overly dependent on others for your happiness. Maintain your individuality and personal goals.
  2. Conflict Avoidance: While diplomacy is an asset, it’s essential to address conflicts and issues within relationships rather than avoiding them. Open communication is key to resolving issues.
  3. Expectations: High aspirations for marriage and partnerships can sometimes lead to unrealistic expectations. It’s important to have a realistic view of relationships and understand that they require effort and compromise.

8. High Ashtakavarga points in 8th House (House of Transformation, Secrets, and Inheritance):

When the eighth house in your birth chart has a high number of Ashtakavarga points, it indicates that matters related to transformation, secrets, and inheritance play a significant role in your life. This placement can influence your approach to change and your understanding of life’s mysteries.

Key Influences and Effects:

  1. Transformation and Rebirth: High Ashtakavarga points in the eighth house signify a deep potential for personal transformation and rebirth. You are unafraid of change and may actively seek opportunities for personal growth and renewal.
  2. Interest in the Occult: This placement often indicates an interest in the occult, mysticism, or metaphysical subjects. You may be drawn to exploring life’s deeper mysteries and hidden knowledge.
  3. Inheritance and Legacy: The eighth house relates to inheritance, both material and spiritual. High Ashtakavarga points can suggest that you may receive inheritances or have a significant impact on your family’s legacy.
  4. Intense and Deep Relationships: Your approach to relationships is often intense and deeply emotional. You seek profound connections with others and may experience transformative relationships that change you on a fundamental level.
  5. Psychological Depth: You possess a deep understanding of the human psyche, which can be valuable in fields such as psychology, counseling, or therapy.
  6. Resourcefulness: High Ashtakavarga points in the eighth house can make you highly resourceful in times of crisis. You have the ability to adapt and find solutions, even in challenging situations.

Challenges to Watch For:

  1. Intensity: Your intense approach to life and relationships can sometimes lead to emotional extremes. Be mindful of finding balance and avoiding obsession or fixation.
  2. Secrecy: The eighth house is associated with secrets, and there may be times when you are tempted to keep information hidden. Strive for open and honest communication in your relationships.
  3. Fear of Change: While you are capable of transformation, there may be moments when you resist change out of fear. Embrace change as an opportunity for growth.

9. High Ashtakavarga points in 9th House (House of Higher Learning, Travel, and Philosophy):

When the ninth house in your birth chart has a high number of Ashtakavarga points, it indicates that matters related to higher learning, travel, philosophy, and spirituality hold significant importance in your life. This placement can profoundly influence your quest for knowledge and your spiritual journey.

Key Influences and Effects:

  1. Love for Learning: High Ashtakavarga points in the ninth house signify a deep love for learning and a strong intellectual curiosity. You are drawn to higher education and may pursue advanced degrees or lifelong learning.
  2. Spiritual Quest: You possess a profound spiritual inclination and a desire to explore the deeper truths of life. You may be attracted to spiritual practices, meditation, or philosophical studies.
  3. Travel and Adventure: The ninth house is associated with long-distance travel and adventure. You may have a strong desire to explore new cultures and places, seeking to broaden your horizons.
  4. Philosophical Outlook: Your approach to life is often philosophical and open-minded. You enjoy contemplating life’s big questions and may have a strong sense of personal philosophy.
  5. Teaching and Mentorship: With your love for learning and knowledge, you may excel in teaching or mentorship roles. You have the ability to inspire and guide others on their own quests for wisdom.
  6. Luck and Fortune: High Ashtakavarga points in the ninth house can indicate good fortune and luck, especially in matters related to higher education, travel, and spiritual pursuits.

Challenges to Watch For:

  1. Overidealism: While a philosophical outlook is beneficial, be cautious not to become overly idealistic or detached from practical matters. Balance your spiritual pursuits with grounded actions.
  2. Dogmatism: As you explore different philosophies and spiritual paths, avoid becoming dogmatic in your beliefs. Stay open to diverse perspectives and be respectful of others’ beliefs.
  3. Restlessness: Your desire for adventure and exploration can sometimes lead to restlessness. Strive for balance in your quest for knowledge and experiences.

10. High Ashtakavarga points in 10th House (House of Career, Public Life, and Achievements):

When the tenth house in your birth chart has a high number of Ashtakavarga points, it indicates that matters related to career, public life, and achievements hold significant importance in your life. This placement can significantly influence your professional aspirations and success.

Key Influences and Effects:

  1. Career Success: High Ashtakavarga points in the tenth house signify a strong potential for career success and recognition. You are likely to excel in your chosen field and may achieve prominent positions or titles.
  2. Ambition and Drive: You possess a high level of ambition and determination when it comes to your career goals. You’re not afraid to work hard and make the necessary sacrifices to achieve your ambitions.
  3. Public Reputation: Your public image and reputation are crucial to you. You are mindful of how you are perceived by others and strive to maintain a positive image in your professional life.
  4. Leadership Skills: This placement often indicates leadership qualities. You have the ability to lead and inspire others, and you may find yourself in positions of authority or management.
  5. Professional Recognition: You are likely to receive recognition and accolades for your professional achievements. Your dedication and hard work are often acknowledged by your peers and superiors.
  6. Success Abroad: The tenth house is also associated with success on foreign shores. High Ashtakavarga points here can signify international recognition or opportunities for career advancement abroad.

Challenges to Watch For:

  1. Work-Life Balance: Due to your strong career focus, it’s important to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Avoid overcommitting to work at the expense of personal life and relationships.
  2. Pressure for Success: The drive for success can sometimes create pressure and stress. Ensure that you manage stress effectively and prioritize your well-being.
  3. Ethical Considerations: As you pursue your ambitions, be mindful of ethical considerations and the impact of your actions on others. Maintain integrity in your professional endeavors.

11. High Ashtakavarga points in 11th House (House of Gains, Ambitions, and Social Networks):

Key Influences and Effects:

  1. Ambitious Goals: High Ashtakavarga points in the eleventh house signify ambitious goals and a strong desire for success. You are motivated to achieve your dreams and aspirations.
  2. Social Networking: You are adept at building and nurturing a wide network of friends and acquaintances. Your social connections often play a significant role in your life’s opportunities and achievements.
  3. Gains and Profits: The eleventh house is associated with financial gains and profits. You have the potential to accumulate wealth and resources through your efforts and associations.
  4. Innovation and Creativity: This placement often indicates a creative and innovative approach to achieving your goals. You are open to new ideas and strategies for success.
  5. Humanitarian Values: You may have strong humanitarian values and a desire to contribute positively to society. Your social pursuits often align with causes and organizations that promote collective well-being.
  6. Friendship Bonds: You tend to form strong and lasting friendships. Your friends often support your aspirations and are instrumental in your personal growth.

Challenges to Watch For:

  1. Overly Ambitious: While ambition is a strength, be cautious not to set unrealistic or overly ambitious goals. Balance your aspirations with practicality and patience.
  2. Social Pressure: The emphasis on social networks can sometimes create pressure to maintain a wide circle of friends. Ensure that your social connections are genuine and mutually beneficial.
  3. Financial Attachments: The pursuit of financial gains can sometimes lead to overemphasis on material wealth. Remember that true abundance extends beyond financial resources.

12. High Ashtakavarga points in 12th House (House of Spirituality, Hidden Knowledge, and Subconscious Mind):

When the twelfth house in your birth chart has a high number of Ashtakavarga points, it indicates that matters related to spirituality, hidden knowledge, and your subconscious mind hold significant importance in your life. This placement can profoundly influence your inner world and your connection to higher realms.

Key Influences and Effects:

  1. Spiritual Awareness: High Ashtakavarga points in the twelfth house signify a deep spiritual awareness and a strong connection to the divine. You may be naturally inclined toward spiritual practices and self-realization.
  2. Hidden Knowledge: You have a natural curiosity about hidden knowledge, mysticism, and the esoteric. You may be drawn to explore subjects such as astrology, metaphysics, or the occult.
  3. Intuition and Dreams: Your intuition and psychic abilities may be heightened. Pay attention to your dreams, as they may provide valuable insights and guidance.
  4. Inner Peace: The twelfth house is associated with solitude and inner peace. You may find solace in moments of solitude and contemplation, which can lead to spiritual growth.
  5. Compassion and Empathy: You possess a deep sense of compassion and empathy for others. You may be inclined to help those who are less fortunate or in need.
  6. Karmic Transformations: This placement often indicates a focus on karmic patterns and lessons. You may undergo transformative experiences that help you evolve spiritually.

Challenges to Watch For:

  1. Escapism: The twelfth house’s emphasis on solitude and inner realms can sometimes lead to escapism or avoidance of practical responsibilities. Stay grounded and balanced in your approach to life.
  2. Emotional Overwhelm: Your heightened sensitivity and empathy can sometimes lead to emotional overwhelm. Develop healthy coping mechanisms to navigate your emotions.
  3. Boundaries: Be mindful of setting boundaries, both with yourself and others. While compassion is a strength, it’s important to protect your energy and well-being.

Some of the other key techniques/secrets of ashtakavarga include:

  1. More points in 7th house of ashtakvarga than 1st house with a huge difference indicates the person’s spouse will be more dominating and vice versa
  2. More points in 11th and 2nd house of ashtakvarga chart than 10th house indicates the person will do less work but still earn more.
  3. More points in 10th house but less points in 11th indicates the person earns less than he deserves out of his hardwork in profession
  4. More points in 6th house compared to 7th house of ashtakvarga indicates the person will do better in job or service rather than business and vice versa
  5. More points in 12th house compared to less points in 11th house indicates the person may have more expenses than his income if others factors are supporting
  6. More points in 12th house compared to 4th house indicates the person can go to foreign countries and leave his home
  7. More points in 5th house indicates person will be able to get good education or have a good intellect

Keep learning! God bless!


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