Nadi astrology conjunction secrets | Part 2

Hey everyone. As I have discussed in various posts, in Nadi Astrology, conjunctions of planets play a crucial role in determining various aspects of an individual’s life. These conjunctions can reveal hidden secrets about a person’s life, including their relationships, career, and family.

In part 1 of nadi astrology conjunction secrets, I have provided numerous insights from my learnings from various sources. Let’s further detail on part 2 of some of the interesting secret details related to conjunctions of planets in the D10 chart.

  • If a planet is in the 2nd house from Jupiter, it indicates that the native has a younger sibling. However, if there is no planet in the 12th house from Jupiter, the native is the elder sibling.
  • A planet on both sides of Jupiter signifies that the native has both elder and younger siblings.
  • If Mars is in Leo, it can indicate the sudden loss of a brother.
  • The placement of the 5th lord in the 10th house signifies a highly placed and popular native.
  • If there is a link between the 5th and 7th lords, it can indicate a problematic marital life or issues with children.
  • If there are no planets in the 7th house, it indicates that the native is independent and not dependent on anyone else.
  • If there are no planets in the 7th house to the Lagna lord, it also indicates independence. It is important for any bhava to have planets in its Kendras to fortify it.
  • From Rahu, check which planet is positioned next to him behind him. The native may lose the relative signified by that planet.
  • If Jupiter is immediately behind Rahu, it can indicate that the native is the eldest child in the family. If not, they may suffer from their child, who may leave and live separately.
  • For Mithuna Lagna, wherever Mars is positioned, that bhava suffers. If Mercury is in trines to Mars, the husband may have another relationship.
  • A planet in exaltation with no planets flanking it may lose much of its power to do well.
  • If Saturn has no planets on either side or in trines to it, it indicates no fixed profession.
  • Saturn with Jupiter in the 7th house can indicate work in a big organization.
  • If Mars is behind Venus in a female chart, it can indicate that the husband is after the wife, with more sexual interest.
  • If Venus is behind Mars in a male chart, it can indicate that the wife is after the husband, with more sexual interest.
  • If Mercury and Ketu are in trines, the native is likely to fall in love suddenly, but that love may not materialize.
  • Moon in trines to Venus can indicate that the wife is a cheater or cheated by others.
  • Moon signifies mother and elder sister, while Venus signifies the wife. When the mother dies, Moon signifies the wife, and the other woman is signified by Venus.
  • Rahu or Ketu in trines to Mars is a mangleeka dosha, indicating a delay in marriage.

These are some of the secrets of conjunctions in Nadi Astrology that can reveal hidden aspects of an individual’s life. By understanding these conjunctions, one can gain a deeper insight into their own life and make informed decisions.

Happy learnings, God bless!


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