Predicting Stock Market through Astrology – Part 3

Hello Everyone,

Recently, I have done a huge research on stock market crashes (the time and nakshatra analysis of when they happened in the past). I have found some key nakshatras repeating again and again in crashes. It will be very interesting article for all those learners who want to see how astrology can easily predict stock market. There is very less data available with respect to such research so I tried doing research of my own. This is one of the part of my research and will keep uploading the same in the coming times.

Technique: Check the intensity of planetary nakshatra on that month; the greater the planets falling under such nakshatras in stock market, greater is the chance of a crash.

List of Nakshatras leading to fall in stock market:

  1. Moola especially 2nd pada
  2. Bharni
  3. Kritikka
  4. Phalgunis : Uttara and Purva both
  5. Ardra
  6. Aslesha
  7. Danishtha
  8. Shadhas both (Especially uttrashadha)
  9. Magha
  10. Shatabhisha
  11. Chitra

List of Conjunctions leading to crash in stock market: 

  1. Rahu Saturn conjunct
  2. Jupiter venus or jupiter sun conjunct in leo with one of the planet in magha and other one in Purvaphalguni 
  3. Rahu moon mercury in a fiery sign (like aries)
  4. Saturn mars conjunction: the moment when they come closer within 5 degrees; crash start to happen ; (especially if it aspects venus)
  5. Saturn ketu conjunction in fiery sign
  6. Weak Saturn 1st or 7th aspect on moon on that day of fall
  7. Moon mars conjunction and one of them in ardra
  8. Sun ketu weakly placed in a sign (aquarius in this case)
  9. Jupiter ketu or venus ketu in trines

Stock market crash 

  1. May 1865:  Rahu saturn (R) in libra; jupiter (R) in sagittarius ; Venus (R) ketu mercury in aries; mars is debilitated; Sun in taurus sign

Rahu: swati

Jupiter: moola 2

Venus: bharni

Mercury: bharni

Sun: Krittika

2. 6 Aug 1992: Rahu in sagittarius in Moola 2, venus in leo with jupiter; Saturn sravana (R), Mercury (Retro) in cancer; Mars in taurus

Rahu: Moola 2

Jupiter: Purvaphalguni 3

Venus: Magha 2

Mercury: Pushya 4

Sun: ashlesha 2

3. 17 May 2004: Highest fall in history: Sun in taurus ; Rahu in aries; Jupiter is leo; venus is gemini; rahu moon mercury together in aries with jupiter aspect on this; saturn mars venus together in gemini

Rahu: Bharni

Jupiter: Purvaphalguni 1

Venus: Mrigashira 3

Mercury: Ashwini 3

Sun:  krittika 2

4. 21 Jan 2008: One of the highest fall; Sun mercury in capricorn; Jupiter venus together in sagittarius; Moon mars conjunction in gemini; Saturn ketu conjunction in leo

Rahu:  Danishtha 4

Jupiter : Poorvashadha 1

Venus: Moola 1

Mercury: Danishtha 1

Sun: Uttarashadha 3

Saturn in Purvaphalguni 1 in leo with ketu in magha 2

5. 24 Aug 2015: Sun jupiter in leo; Saturn moon in scorpio; Venus mars in cancer; Rahu mercury in virgo

Rahu: Uttraphalguni 4

Jupiter: Magha 3

Venus: Aslesha 3

Mercury: Uttraphalguni 2

Sun: Magha 3

6. 16 Feb 2016: Sun ketu in aquarius; Saturn in scorpio; Venus mercury in capricorn; Mars in libra; moon in taurus aspected by scorpio saturn

Rahu: Uttaraphalguni  1

Jupiter uttaraphalguni 1

Venus; Uttarashadha 3

Mercury: uttrashadha 4

Sun: Danishtha 3

Moon: Rohini aspected by saturn

7. 22 Mar 2020: Saturn mars together in capricorn within 5 degrees; Venus in aries; Sun in pisces; moon aquarius; Jupiter ketu conjunct in sagittarius; Moon mercury in aquarius 

Rahu: Ardra 1

Jupiter: Uttrashadha 1 

Venus:  Bharni 4

Mercury shatabhisha 2 with moon

Sun: Uttrabhadrapada 2

Ketu in moola

Moon: Ardra (never invest when moon goes to ardra nakshatra)

Wanna know when will be the next crash in the stock market as per astrology. You can contact me:


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