Best ever remedies for Saturn in different houses

Saturn is a karmic planet i.e a planet which gives results based on your deeds in this birth as well as from your past lives.
I am presenting here some of the best remedies for saturn in various houses and each one of it has its significance related to donation related to construction, because saturn beneficial influences increases only when we help people via constructing something significant, since saturn represents construction.

Saturn in 1st house: Help yourself first before helping others; construct your home first then give it to others (example in leo; before giving authority to others, take it yourself)

Saturn in 2nd house: Donate for Constructing Storehouse or warehouse where people can place their resources; especially where people can have food in future

Saturn 3rd house: Donate for construction of a water source outside your house or any place where people can sit and drink the water; Native should leave his parking place for someone else

Saturn in 4th house: Validate people; reach out the people who are outside society like LGBT; Construct something for them

Saturn in 5th house: Donation for Construction of a temple or school

Saturn in 6th house: Donate for Construction for hospitals

Saturn in 7th house= Donate for Construct marriage hall; community hall

Saturn in 8th house = Donate in cremation ground

Saturn in 9th house= Donate for gurus ashram/religious places 

Saturn in 10th= Grow grass and plant trees in barren land

Saturn in 11th house = Due to your action, many will take benefits and let them do it and do not disturb them; do not take commission from them

Saturn in 12th house = Donate for places where public can rest while travel (like dharmashala)

Hope this post will help you find the best possible things you can do to have the best effects of lord saturn. I would like to thank my guru, Deepanshu g to help me provide these wonderful remedies .


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